News & Events
Dr. Rakesh completes 1 semester of teaching his 1st batch of IITK students on “Practical Ethics”
1st batch of Summer Interns arrive at Tissue Restoration Lab via SURGE Programme and INSPIRE Fellowship: Deeksha Porwal from KSBT Bhubaneswar; Soumyadip Sinha from NIT Rourkela and Swarnima Saha from NISER Bhubaneswar. Welcome aboard!
Welcome Kailash Mandi to Tissue Restoration Lab for Masters Dissertation Project.
Congratulations to Tissue Restoration Lab for being granted HRD Fellowship on "Characterization of Natural Killer cells in Prostate Cancer and Therapeutic Interventions utilizing 3D-Tumoroid model system" by Department of Health Research, Government of India!
Dr. Rakesh delivers invited talk on “Harnessing Therapeutic Potential of Ion channels” in the 5th BioGroup India Meeting at JNCASR, Bangalore.
Congratulations to Dr. Rakesh and Malmberg Lab for publication of “Allelic variation of KIR and HLA tunes the cytolytic payload and determines functional hierarchy of NK cell repertoires” in Blood Advances!!
Big Congratulations to Dennis, Dr. Rakesh and Malmberg Lab on publication of our article “The Lysosomal Calcium Channel TRPML1 Maintains Mitochondrial Fitness in NK Cells through Interorganelle Cross-Talk” in the Journal of Immunology! It’s the 1st research article from Tissue Restoration Lab @IIT Kanpur!
Anushka Banerjee joins Tissue Restoration Lab as the 1st PhD student! Welcome aboard Anushka!
Tissue Restoration Lab starts as Lab No. 1 in MFCEM building! A great journey begins!
Wow moment for the lab! Our TRPML1 paper is on the Cover Page of Journal of Immunology! It is also selected as Highlights article by the Editor of Journal of Immunology!

Big Congratulations to Anushka for publishing her first journal club article from Tissue Restoration Lab: “Mitochondria drive hypoxia tolerance in naked mole rat brain”!

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Majhi joins BSBE Department of IIT Kanpur as Assistant Professor.
Congratulations to Dr. Rakesh and all co-authors for acceptance of the article “TRPV4 acts as a mitochondrial Ca2+-importer and regulates mitochondrial temperature and metabolism” in the journal Mitochondrion.
Congratulations to Dr. Rakesh and all co-authors for acceptance of the article “TRPV1 channel in spermatozoa is a molecular target for ROS-mediated sperm dysfunction and differentially expressed in both natural and ART pregnancy failure” in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology!
Congratulations to Dr. Rakesh and Dr. Shirin for publication of “Piezo1 activation by stretching of uterine myometrium supports pregnancy and prevents preterm labour” in Journal of Physiology!
Congratulations to Prof. Malmberg and Marianna for publication of “Adaptive single-KIR+NKG2C+ NK cells expanded from select superdonors show potent missing-self reactivity and efficiently control HLA-mismatched acute myeloid leukemia” in Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer!
Dr. Rakesh delivers invited talk at the Annual BSBE Winter Symposium – 2022, focusing on the “Recent Trends in Cancer Research and Precision Medicine”.
Dr. Rakesh presents talk on Ion channel as therapeutic target in Atherosclerosis at the Indo-German workshop on Cardiovascular Diseases and Chronic Inflammation.

Srayasi Majee joined the lab as a new PhD student. Welcome Srayasi!
Our paper on TKP hydrogel coated dental implants is published in the medical journal Cureus.

New members in the family are introduced as Adarsh and Sadhana joined the lab as PhD students. Welcome to the MISTRI team!
Many congratulations to Srayasi and Anushka for publishing a journal club article which discuss modalities to ameliorate atherosclerosis by suppressing inflammation and by rewiring macrophages in the Journal of Physiology.

Anu joined the lab as a first M. Tech student. Welcome Anu!!!
Congratulations to Anushka for her contribution to a book chapter focusing on therapeutic targets of TRP ion channels!

Congratulations to Dr. Majhi on the acceptance of his manuscript, “The G protein-coupled receptor GPR56 is an inhibitory checkpoint for NK cell migration,” for publication in The Journal of Immunology.