Open Positions
We have multiple positions for PhD and MTech open in Tissue Restoration Lab!
Please visit https://www.iitk.ac.in/doaa/ and https://www.iitk.ac.in/bsbe/ for detailed advertisements.
Enthusiastic Postdoc candidates can avail lucrative Institute Postdoctoral fellowship from IIT Kanpur on joining the lab! We will also assist Postdoc candidates in applying for prestigious national postdoctoral fellowships, if you get in touch with Dr. Rakesh well in advance.
Interested candidates can visit IPDF website: https://www.iitk.ac.in/dofa/institute-postdoctoral-fellowship
Summer Trainees are requested to apply via the SURGE programme of IITK https://surge.iitk.ac.in/ in January-February to be eligible to get accommodation in campus.
Limited seats can be available to non-SURGE summer trainees if they have own fellowship and can arrange own accommodation around IIT Kanpur.
Students interested in 1 year Masters Thesis work are also welcome to apply.
We at IIT Kanpur also accept International candidates, Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) for research and training.
Look forward to having you in our group.